There is no charge to contact for advice on your initial ideas or for a meeting to discuss the project, so please do not hesitate to make an enquiry - it is not going to going to cost anything at all to discuss and advise on the proposals.
MOBILE - 07583005574
EMAIL - [email protected]
We can discuss your job and initially you can recieve an estimated guide cost based on your first description of the work required - with a firm and mutually agreed price on the project being made prior to any work starting.
There is currently no requirement for any VAT to be added to any of the fees from Highplans. The fee you are quoted from Highplans is the fee you will pay, with no hidden charges.
When are fees paid?
You will have separate arrangements with other professionals involved, Highplans will usually ask for 50% of Fees to be paid at Planning Application stage, then 50% at Building Warrant appliaction Stage but this is negotiable if required.
MOBILE - 07583005574
EMAIL - [email protected]
We can discuss your job and initially you can recieve an estimated guide cost based on your first description of the work required - with a firm and mutually agreed price on the project being made prior to any work starting.
There is currently no requirement for any VAT to be added to any of the fees from Highplans. The fee you are quoted from Highplans is the fee you will pay, with no hidden charges.
When are fees paid?
You will have separate arrangements with other professionals involved, Highplans will usually ask for 50% of Fees to be paid at Planning Application stage, then 50% at Building Warrant appliaction Stage but this is negotiable if required.